
Yaneev thinks of a number  He subtracts three from the number, then doubles it. Then he subtracts three again, and doubles the number again. The result is his original number  What is ?

 Sep 11, 2021

The answer is 22.

 Sep 11, 2021

You don't say.  Prove it. 

Guest Sep 12, 2021


Yaneev thinks of a number  He subtracts three from the number, then doubles it. Then he subtracts three again, and doubles the number again. The result is his original number  What is ?     


Let X represent the original number.  


X  =  {[(X – 3) • 2] – 3} • 2  


Let me see if I can multiply that out without getting lost.  One step at a time.  


X  =  [(2X – 6) – 3] • 2  


X  =  4X – 12 – 6  


3X  =  18  


X  =  6   


check answer:  


6 minus 3 is three.  3 doubled is 6.  6 minus 3 is 3.  3 doubled is 6.  Looks correct.     


 Sep 12, 2021

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