my my my ...goodness!!! course!
gosh, you know what Melody...I have looked at for example Sin 140, as Sin 140 DEG, and therefore could not understand how on earth 135 DEGREES could be the same as 45 DEGREES
but yes, I see my error. Getting the actual values of the different Sin values, equate to the same answer....ALL RIGHTIE!!!...
Just a last thing...The different quads where the trig functions are either positive or negative, I fully understand, I use the phrase CAST, starting with quad 4...C=Cos, A=All, S=Sin and T=Tan...(obviously..)
Thank you Melody for going through the trouble of finding those urls, I have not watched them, since I understand all of this, I just made a stupid error for mistaking the value for an angle...
I'm sending a BIG BUNCH of flowers!!