
12ab56 is a multiple of 36. Find the sum of all possible values of a+b.

 Oct 22, 2016

Best Answer 


12ab56 is a multiple of 36. Find the sum of all possible values of a+b.


Since the sum of the given digits =1+2+5+6=14, therefore the sum of the 2 missing digits + 14 must be divisible by 9 and 4, since 36=2^2 * 3^2. The 2 digits that will meet that condition are:

1+3 =4, or 3 +1 =4


4+0, or 0+4=4

4+9, or 9+4 =13

5+8, or 8+5 =13

6+7,or 7+6 =13

So, in total you 11 intrchangeable pairs of numbers that will meet the condition specified.

 Oct 22, 2016
Best Answer

12ab56 is a multiple of 36. Find the sum of all possible values of a+b.


Since the sum of the given digits =1+2+5+6=14, therefore the sum of the 2 missing digits + 14 must be divisible by 9 and 4, since 36=2^2 * 3^2. The 2 digits that will meet that condition are:

1+3 =4, or 3 +1 =4


4+0, or 0+4=4

4+9, or 9+4 =13

5+8, or 8+5 =13

6+7,or 7+6 =13

So, in total you 11 intrchangeable pairs of numbers that will meet the condition specified.

Guest Oct 22, 2016

FYI: If a number is divisible by 9, the sum of all its digit is divisible by 9

        If a number is divisible by 4, the last 2 digits is divisible by 4


Because 56 is divisible by 4, 12ab56 must be divisible by 4 no matter what a and b is.

1 + 2 + a + b + 5 + 6 = 9x

14 + a + b = 9x

9x may be 18 or 27.

Let's first consider the case of 9x = 18.

14 + a + b = 18

a + b = 4  <---- This is easy maths.

a = 1 or b = 3


a = 2 or b = 2


a = 3 or b = 1

3 possibilities of a + b. Then we add them up:

3(a + b)

= 3(4) <---- because each pair of a + b in this consideration adds up to 4.

= 12


Now consider the case of 9x = 27

14 + a + b = 27

a + b = 13 <----- This is still easy maths.

a = 4 or b = 9


a = 5 or b = 8


a = 6 or b = 7


a = 7 or b = 6


a = 8 or b = 5


a = 9 or b = 4

6 possibilities of a + b. Then add them up again:

6(a + b)

= 6(13)

= 78

Now we add up the number we got in last part and we get in this part.

12 + 78 = 90. Final answer.

 Oct 23, 2016
edited by MaxWong  Oct 23, 2016


In the first part of your answer, why did you not include: 4+0, OR 0+4??.

 Oct 23, 2016

The actual sum of all possible combinations of the two numbers is:

5 x 4 = 20 and 6 x 13 =78

20 + 78 = 98

 Oct 23, 2016

Thanks Max and guest :)    Maybe there is some disagreement here?

So I will include my 2cents worth :)



12ab56 is a multiple of 36. Find the sum of all possible values of a+b.


12ab56 is a multiple of 36. Find the sum of all possible values of a+b.


I assume a and b are missing digits of the 6 digit number :/


1+2+5+6+a+b = 9k



0<=  a+b   <19


if   k=2   then a+b=4


SO    a+b must equal 4

AND the sum of all possible values of a+b must also be 4

 Oct 23, 2016

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