



thank you for your answer it is really help to me I understand what I'm supposed to be doing.

 Jun 18, 2019
edited by Guest  Jun 19, 2019

Best Answer 


We can't find what  x  is equal to, but we can find what  x  has to be greater than.


2( 5x - 9 )  >  13

                            Distribute the  2  to the terms in parenthesees.

10x - 18  >  13

                            Add  18  to both sides of the inequality.

10x  >  31

                            Divide both sides of the inequality by  10 ,  a positive number

x  >  3.1

 Jun 18, 2019
Best Answer

We can't find what  x  is equal to, but we can find what  x  has to be greater than.


2( 5x - 9 )  >  13

                            Distribute the  2  to the terms in parenthesees.

10x - 18  >  13

                            Add  18  to both sides of the inequality.

10x  >  31

                            Divide both sides of the inequality by  10 ,  a positive number

x  >  3.1

hectictar Jun 18, 2019

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