First we have to make sure that the denominators (bottom numbers of the fractions) are the same. They are so we can now continue.
Subtracting a negative is really the same thing as adding a positive. Negatives will switch the direction you go on a number line, so subtracting a negative will make you go to the right on a number line, thus making you add that number.
$$$\frac{-330}{72} - (\frac{-216}{72})$\\\\
This is really:\\\\
$\frac{-330}{72} + (\frac{+216}{72})$\\\\
Now we can add the top numbers \\\\
$\frac{-330 + 216}{72}\\\\
Reduce by dividing the top and bottom of the fracion by 6\\\\
And that's it!$$
First we have to make sure that the denominators (bottom numbers of the fractions) are the same. They are so we can now continue.
Subtracting a negative is really the same thing as adding a positive. Negatives will switch the direction you go on a number line, so subtracting a negative will make you go to the right on a number line, thus making you add that number.
$$$\frac{-330}{72} - (\frac{-216}{72})$\\\\
This is really:\\\\
$\frac{-330}{72} + (\frac{+216}{72})$\\\\
Now we can add the top numbers \\\\
$\frac{-330 + 216}{72}\\\\
Reduce by dividing the top and bottom of the fracion by 6\\\\
And that's it!$$