I just want to say congratulations to the strong people who are directly and indirectly hurt by this day and that it is a day we should all remember.
This is so sad that nearly 3,000 people were dead from the 9 11 twin tower! Im so sad that 2,999 people died from those 2 twin towers! I wonder why it exploded! Im so condused and sad at the same times. Please check a website search to donate money to help rebuilding from New York! You need to search- Donation for New York twin tower explosion 9 11. Please help rebuild the 2 twin tower by donating! If do so, You'll receive an award~ Please it would mean a lot to people! :D Link: www. DonationMoney9/11.http://web2.0calc.com/questions/9-11_5/new Thank you so much people! :D