
A baseball diamond is a square 63  feet on a side. The pitcher's mound is located on a line joining home plate and second base, 47  feet from home plate. If the pitcher is facing home plate, through what angle does he need to turn to face third base?


Please someone help, i know im missing some stupid rule about a square and its properties, but i cant seem to figure this out. I googled this problem and its normaly 90 feet for all sides. And the angle i cant envision properly. I believe its a pytharogean therom and then the law of sine/cosine to get the answer.

 Feb 5, 2017

The distance to the middle of the square from home plate  = 63/√2  ≈ 44.55 ft


So.....we figure the angle thusly  [ it will be < 90° ]


Distance picther is from 3rd [using Law of Cosines] 


D^2  = 63^2 + [63/√2]^2  - 2(63)(63/√2)cos (45)


D =  √[ 63^2 + [47]^2  - 2(63)(47)cos (45) ]  ≈  44.615 ft


So we can use the Law of Sines to find the angle, θ


sinθ/ 63  =  sin45 / 44.615   →  sinθ = 63 *  sin45 / 44.615


arcsin  [ 63 *  sin45 / 44.615 ] = θ  ≈ 86.85°


Here's a pic :










cool cool cool

 Feb 5, 2017

thank you for the hrlp

 Feb 5, 2017

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