Loading [MathJax]/jax/output/SVG/config.js

She does a HECK of a lot of work to keep this site "going"......besides answering questions, she also spends a lot of time on the "Wraps".....and this isn't as easy of a task as it seems....


I've been here just over a year....and, as a "mod,'  it's been a pleasure to work with her......!!!


Tomorrow is "Mother's Day" in the US.....and, no....Melody is NOT my mother....{Watch your comments here, zegroes...!!! }


But....she deserves some flowers.....just for the occasion......!!!!






 May 9, 2015

Best Answer 


I agree!


Thank you Melody!  :D    :D     :D

 May 9, 2015
Best Answer

I agree!


Thank you Melody!  :D    :D     :D

MathsGod1 May 9, 2015

Thank you Chris.  That is sooo very sweet of you.

I asked CPhill if he would help me moderate this forum over a year ago.  March14 wasn't it Chris? 

(Correction, Chris joined the forum on the March 13th 2014 and became a moderator on May11th 2014)

We have worked as a team ever since.  It has always been a huge pleasure to me to have Chris by my side.  We have become great friends and we are both very proud of how this forum has matured and all the wonderful people that it has attracted.

Thanks also MG

And thank you to all you wonderful people who have supported us and helped make this Web2calc forum such a great place to learn and be happy.

(The forum is lovingly known as the Magical Realm of Camelot)

The flowers a very beautiful.    

 May 9, 2015



So CPhill you joined last year March 13th .  And the next day you became a Mod?


So lucky.


I would love to be a Mod but i haven't got the knowledge yet (because all the mods are people who always answer questions and are good. Or is it maturity)

 May 9, 2015

No it wasn't that quick.  Have a look through the old wraps and see if you can find a date for us MG.

Then I'll put it in with the other important anniverary dates  :))

 May 9, 2015

Greetings, Your Majesty:


 The anniversary of Sir CPhill’s knighthood  be the tenth this inst. I remember this well, for it be during a time when ye were considering lobbing off mine head for insolence.


Yea, Sir CPhill, whom His Majesty hath just Knighted, stood as a guard to the chambers of the Knights and did witness the circular pun and the leads to a circular paradox by Sir Cumference.



By your leave, Sir CPhill.


In your service, Your Majesty.

 May 9, 2015

I don't know what the site would do without a person like Melody. Thank you for your constant support!

 May 9, 2015

I would agree with CPhill and MathsGod1 as well

Thx, Melody


P.S. if it was march 14, then CPhill would've became moderator on Pi Day. That's 2 holidays on March 14th.

Also, the Empire of Royality is holding a ceremony tomorrrow in memory of Mother's Day, 13th in memory of the empire, and the 15th in memory of my bday.

 May 9, 2015

I just wanna say thank you so much...

I dont know what did this web without you...

Before you leave, you can say us what this song says ( just chorus... )



 May 9, 2015

You don't have to apologize for anything, Dbg4thebest.....it's the "good heart" that counts....besides....your English is WAY better than our Spanish...!!!




 May 9, 2015

Sorry, I had forgive the song... ( Just chorus )



 May 9, 2015

No, MG1..I wasn't made a "mod" the day after I joined....I think it took about two days.....or, so.....

If you keep improving on your LaTex.....we might might make you "LaTex Assistant Supeviisor"  ....working under heureka and Melody, of course....!!!!!




 May 9, 2015

It would be an honour!!!




I need to improve ASAP!

 May 9, 2015

It appears that CPhill joined the forum on 13th March and he was apppointed moderator on 11th May.

Two months.  The forum was new born then - barely more than a feotus.  Things happen faster when we are very young :)

Here is the wrap on the day of Chris's knighthood.


Thanks Chuirgeon MorganTud for visiting and taking us on a trip down Memory Lane.

I trust you have kept well these past months.   


Thank you also MathsGod1,  DarkBlaze347, HeatherF and Dbg4the best.

You kind words mean a great deal to me.  Everyone likes to know that they are appreciated and they cannot really know if they do not get told on occasion.  Thanks you I really appreciate your words and your presence in this forum :)

DarkBlaze347  Thanks for your lovely words

HeatherF: Thank you for the history lesson.  I think the right decision was made when you were appointed anchor woman for Channel 21.  You have much to offer Camelot.   (aka web2.0calc forum)

Dgb4thebest, I am not normally a fan of wrap music but I watched and listened to the clip you posted and I really enjoyed it.  Thank you for sharing it.    :)

MathsGod1: If your enthusiasm continues I fore ee you haveing an important future role in this forum but it will not happen overnight.


I am overwealmed.  Thank you everyone :)


Sir CPhill, have you found that Roman Zero yet - we are not getting any younger you know.    



In the name of Her Royal Highness

Queen Guinevere     (aka Melody)

Monarch of the Magical Realm of Camelot.     

 May 10, 2015

Yay!! Thank you Melody for all your hard work on his website!!! It couldn't have worked without you

 May 10, 2015

Thanks Mellie,  :)

 May 10, 2015

aww thank you! :)

 May 10, 2015

well, actually, i can find the perfect explanation to 0, cuz I'm standing right next to a roman. Titanium Rome, proceed!

 May 10, 2015

Thanks Heather :)

 May 10, 2015

*arrives as the national anthem plays

alright, and yes, I can find absolutely the perfect answer to this roman numeral 0 case. Why you ask?

cuz my real name is Roman and I know all the facts
anyways, your explanation is:

Roman numerals are not positional, so there is no actual need for a zero. In the system we use at present, we have 10 digits whose value at any time depends on the position they are in in the number - 1046 is quite different to 6401. In Roman numerals, MXXXXVI is the same as IXXXXMV. The first one is the usual way of writing it. However, in later times of Rome, a slightly positional system was used. MXXXXVI would be written MXLVI which can't be rearranged. Whichever way you write the Roman numbers, addition and subtraction are not too hard - you just collect like terms and count them up or cancel them out (making allowance for things like XL, of course. Division and multiplication are far harder. Decimals are impossible, and fractions difficult. Without the 0, a true positional system is not possible. You need to know that there aren't any hundreds in 1046. In the Roman system, you just didn't worry.

and before I wrap up, i also want o thank Melody, mainly for letting me increase power and knowledge.

my life would suck without this site!

 May 10, 2015

Thanks Titanium, I do not know about increasing your power but I am more than happy to help you increase your knowledge.


Thank you for the lesson on Roman numerals but it makes no difference.  Sir CPhill MUST find the Roman Zero.  It is his quest.  I do not know why it is taking him so long, he  knows it is in Sisyphus's boulder!  Perhaps he is blind?


Perhaps you will understand poor CPhill's predicament better if you familiarize yourself with some of these old posts that Chuirgeon Tud has dredged up.  It was a hilarious period in Camelot's history :)


 May 10, 2015

he just finished his quest. or should I say, I FINISHED MY QWEHST!

anyways, the chimp just came back from his cruise, hes now living a life of politics

I VOTE THE CHIMP FOR MODERATOR! or what was the catchy quote?

sorry guys, but I was hired by Wild Bob Jones (yes, he's still my boss) to play as kronos in the movie:

The Quest To Find Pie

 May 10, 2015

guys, i beated chris on finding pi! I'M THE ULTIMATE MASTER OF PIE!

don't believe me!? follow melody's link!

chris, i just saved your life by not forcing you to write in roman numerals

you can thank me later

 May 10, 2015

also, i believe you forgot to say happy Mother's Day to Mother Nature, who gave you those math powers!

 May 10, 2015

Thank you Melody, without your support and confidence in me, my determination to be a MathsGod would've have gone as far!


 May 11, 2015

MathsGod1, you have a great deal of enthusiasm and intelligence.

I have a passion for mathematics and I know that you do too.

Helping you to learn is a geat pleasure for me :)




The slogan was Lancelot for Camelot!

It is a great slogan, I expect the chimp will use it again the next time he runs of office.   :D

 May 12, 2015

Thank's Melody, you always put a   smile   on my face.


 May 12, 2015

Ahh okay then

Lancelot for Camelot!

 May 12, 2015

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