
A vendor sells hot dogs and bags of potato chips. A customer buys 3 hot dogs and 4 bags of potato chips for $6.00. Another customer buys 5 hot dogs and 5 bags of potato chips for $8.75. Find the cost of each item.

 Feb 28, 2020

Let x be the cost of a hot dog  and  y  be  the cost   of  a bag of potato chips


We have  this system  :


3x + 4y =  6

5x  + 5y  = 8.75


Divide  the second  equation through  by  5


x + y  = 1,75   rearrange  as

y = 1.75  -  x

Sub this  into  first equation for  y


3x  + 4 ( 1.75 - x)  = 6

3x  + 7  - 4x  =  6

-x  + 7  =  6        subtract  7 from both sides

-x  = -1

x  =1

A hot dog costs $1

And  a bag of potato chips costs   1.75 - 1  =   .75   = 75  cents



cool cool cool

 Feb 28, 2020

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