
According to Dolbear’s law, you can predict the temperature TT (in degrees Fahrenheit) by counting the number xx of chirps made by a snowy tree cricket in 1 minute. For each rise in temperature of 0.25°F, the cricket makes an additional chirp each minute.

a. A cricket chirps 40 times in 1 minute when the temperature is 50°F. Write an equation in slope-intercept form that represents the temperature in terms of the number of chirps in 1 minute.

 Oct 2, 2018

Is there a baseline chirps/minute or temperature from which he (only males chirp) increases 1 chirp/.25 degree f ?



Slope = 1 c/0.25 degree = 4


40 = 4x -160

f(x) = 4x -160   ????????????    Where x = temp   and f(x) = chirps 



Looked up Dolbear's Law:


Tf = 50 + ( n60-40)/4        n60 = chirps per minute      so 40 must be the baseline

     = 50 + n60/4 -10

    = 40 +n60/4

Tf =  n60/4 + 40            there, now I'm happy.....

 Oct 2, 2018
edited by Guest  Oct 3, 2018
edited by Guest  Oct 3, 2018
edited by ElectricPavlov  Oct 3, 2018

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