The answer is simple In what way can you make 50 Cents using multiple coin currency that is quarters, dimes, and nickels.
So break down what we know.
A quarter is 25 cents.
Dime is 10 cents.
And a nickle is 5 cents.
So to make a quarter you need two dimes and one nickle
To make a dime you need 2 nickles
To make a nickle you need 5 pennies.
So how to make 50 cents in mutiple ways comes down to how creative you can be.
50 cents is two quarters.
25+25=50 This is one way.
5 Dimes is another way.
And 10 nickles as well.
You can use 4 dimes and 2 nickles to make 50 cents.
A quarter, one nickel, two dimes.
A quarter, 6 nickles.
8 Nickles, 1 dime.
6 Nickles, 2 dimes
So there will be 8 ways total to make 50 cents only using quarters, dimes, and nickles.