
Three runners, Dirk, Edith, and Foley all start at the same time for a $24$ km race, and each of them runs at a constant speed. When Dirk finishes the race, Edith is $10$ km behind, and Foley is $15$ km behind.  When Edith finishes the race, how far behind is Foley, in km?

 Aug 19, 2024

Edith runs  14 km in the time it takes Foley to run 9 km 

Edith has 10 km to go to finish 

10/14  =  x/9         shows   x = distance Foley covers while Edith finishes      6 3/7 km 

           so when Edith finishes , Folyey has covered   6 3/7  + 9 =  15 3/7 km and is thus  8 4/7  km  behind Edith 

 Aug 19, 2024

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