
When the same constant is added to the numbers 60, 100, and 180, a three-term geometric sequence arises.  What is the common ratio of the resulting sequence?


\(\phantom{60, 100, and 160}\)

 Jun 26, 2022

Best Answer 


Let x be the constant that is added to all 3 numbers, and let d be the common ratio


We have: \((60+x)d = (100 + x)\)


Solving for d gives us: \(d = {100 + x \over 60 + x }\)


We also know from the second and final term that \((100 + x) d = (180 + x)\)


Substituting the known value of d, we have: \((100 + x) \times {100 + x \over 60 + x} = (180 + x)\)


Cross multiplying gives: \((x + 100)^2 = (180 + x)(60 + x)\)


Simplify both sides to: \(x^2+200x+10000=x^2+240x+10800 \)


Solving for x gives us: \(x = -20\)


This means that the geometric series is \(40, 80, 160\)


Can you find the common ratio from here?

 Jun 26, 2022

The common ratio is 11/3.

 Jun 26, 2022
Best Answer

Let x be the constant that is added to all 3 numbers, and let d be the common ratio


We have: \((60+x)d = (100 + x)\)


Solving for d gives us: \(d = {100 + x \over 60 + x }\)


We also know from the second and final term that \((100 + x) d = (180 + x)\)


Substituting the known value of d, we have: \((100 + x) \times {100 + x \over 60 + x} = (180 + x)\)


Cross multiplying gives: \((x + 100)^2 = (180 + x)(60 + x)\)


Simplify both sides to: \(x^2+200x+10000=x^2+240x+10800 \)


Solving for x gives us: \(x = -20\)


This means that the geometric series is \(40, 80, 160\)


Can you find the common ratio from here?

BuilderBoi Jun 26, 2022

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