two numbers add up to 157 and the first number is 17 bigger than the second number what are the two numbers
Let's set up an equation for this word problem, and let's make x equal the second number.
x+(x+17)=157 ---Since the first number is 17 bigger than the second number, (x+17) will give us the first number.
2x + 17 = 157
-17 -17
2x = 140
x = 70
So our second number is 70, and our first number is 87 (17 bigger than our second number, so 17+70)
Let's set up an equation for this word problem, and let's make x equal the second number.
x+(x+17)=157 ---Since the first number is 17 bigger than the second number, (x+17) will give us the first number.
2x + 17 = 157
-17 -17
2x = 140
x = 70
So our second number is 70, and our first number is 87 (17 bigger than our second number, so 17+70)