I am working on my PHd in quantum mechanics. I have about 15 years to go. hahaha
Complex did you see that troll remark on your post yesterday? I laugh for 10 minutes at that.
I only in grade 9. So 4 years of high school then 4 to get a BS at least 1 more to get a MS and 2 or more to get a PHd. I figure I flunk some high school so that works out to about 15 years.
Getting in to QuM is a tuff sub ject it would take me a year to tell you about it. i just started to learn nuclear fusion and partical accelration a my minds been blowen away.
Kallamoar: No offense or anything, but maybe you should learn grammar first.
I got this cool spell check thing for my browser.
It's called Grammarly.
The subject is cool! But the maths I not even begin to understand yet.
Did you ever look at the maths used to render a 3d axial scan? It is really complicated and that is nothing compared to quantum maths.
Complex if you use that why didn’t it find your mistake in the word “Quantom” that you write on the first post?
given math, science, and history I'm one of the top students english is the worlds most complex language.
English is complicated it is my 2nd language and so much easier than learning Latin and Greek as I am currently.
I know what you mean. I am studying ancient Phoenician and that make English seem real easy. Of course I speak English since I was a baby so that might be why. But English couldn’t be too hard if babies speak it. Right?. hahaha
Ha ha ha! I learned English when I was 5 so yeah it can't be tooooo hard of course I was like 10 before I actually didn't have to like think about what I was saying. My first language is French. So much easier than dead languages!
Well you write good English. That is for sure!
Are you the one studying Latin? I think that is a beautiful language. It not seem dead to me.