Let's say that you go to work in a lab that's investigating the structure of the atom ...

... and one of the "things" they do all the time is watch as particles "decay" or turn into something else ... they will "fire" a particle out of an accelerator and position a highly sensitive detector so that it "sees" the particle at the moment of decay ... positioning one of these detectors can be tricky ... let's see how good you are at it ...

They have come across a particle that has a mean lifetime of 1.07622 x 10-7 seconds when it's at rest in the lab. The accelerator can get it to 79 % of the speed of light as it shoots the particle at the detector to observe its decay. In meters, how far from the accelerator should the detector be located to observe this particle's decay?

You'll need to be precise with your location of this sensor ... when these particles decay, they do so very quickly and you want your detector to be in the right position. So, enter your answer with 5 significant figures ...
 Mar 1, 2012

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