10900 sqft= 120, 109.4, 125.5, x
You have to find out from your book or your teacher what kind of quadlateral it is, because they can be very different in calculating the areas & the sides.
Thanks, but I have no teacher. Just trying to find the diminensions of a property lot.
Total sqft = 10900
L1 = 120
W2=X ???
But if it's a rectangle, then the x side will be less than 1 foot!!!!!. That's a strange lot. All you do to see that, just multiply the 3 numbers on the right hand side, and then divide your 10,900 sq.feet by that number & you will see. There is something wrong with your numbers. Either the 10,900 number, or the 3 sides that you have given is wrong. Check them out carefully. Thanks.