
A person driving her car at 50 km/h approaches an intersection just as the traffic light turns yellow. She knows that the yellow light lasts only 2.0 s before turning to red, and she is 30 m away from the near side of the intersection. The intersection is 15 m wide. Her car's maximum deceleration is -6.6 m/s2, whereas it can accelerate from 50 km/h to 70 km/h in 6.0 s. Ignore the length of her car and her reaction time.If she hits the brakes, how far will she travel before stopping?

 Sep 14, 2016

This question has a LOT of extraneous information which does not apply to the question asked.....perhaps it is to confuse or mislead....or maybe there are other follow-on questions which need the infor given to get an answer.....but

xf = xi + vt + 1/2 at^2     xi=initial position......we will call this ZERO   

xf=vt + 1/2 at^2       Problem now is that we do not know 't'


Here is an equation to find t

vf = vi + at    vi = velocity initial = 50 km/hr = 50 x1000/3600 = 13.888 m/s     vf will be zero when the car is stopped

0 = 13.888 m/s + (-6.6 m/s^2)(t)    yields  t= 2.104 seconds to come to a stop ....sub this into the first equation


xf = 13.888 m/s (2.104 s)  + 1/2(-6.6 m/s^2)(2.104 s)^2     yields  xf= 29.22 +(-14.61) = 14.61 m

 Sep 14, 2016

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