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Can you tell how a karate player breaks a slab of ice in a single now using the terms velocity, momentum , force or just by the clue that this is a physics question?

 Aug 8, 2015

Best Answer 


Melody is right! All of this is funny! I am LMAO!

The physics are fairly accurate too.


The “For cracking ice,” is a great pun! So is the “. . . force is with her.”


Dragonlance, you have to be careful about jokes around Rosala. If she doesn’t like them she will karate-chop you. Hahaha


I read your last dozen posts. You have really karate-chopped your way out of your chrysalis. Freaking amazing!!

 Aug 14, 2015

OK. First how do I know for sure you want a physics answer? Maybe you just want to karate chop your new BF to teach him a lesson. I don’t want to facilitate domestic violence.


 Aug 8, 2015

well..first of all i dont have a new "BF" and secondly.....ive saved a gun and one bulllet to killl my last BF already...which will happen after a few years........good idea ill also learn karate to take away the left over breaths in him........haha......



now the truth:do you even know the answer to this......but remember before answering......you will partially be the reason for the death of a younf boy after ten years....

 Aug 13, 2015

OK I use the words you give and add a few more for fun.


The famous martial artist Rosala create a large nuclear powered punch by picturing her BFs face in the ice. She do this punch by accelerating her arm. When her arm accelerates it has velocity. Multiply velocity by the mass of her arm it give it momentum and the force is with her.


When her fist is at maximum velocity it make contact with the ice and the momentum goes to zero as the force goes into the ice and her arm stop moving. When her arm reach zero velocity she pull it back as fast as she punch it forward leaving all the energy in the ice and that shatter it to pieces.


Now Rosala is happy. For cracking ice. :)


I think this is close to what you need. It use all the words anyway.

There is a lot on math in this.

P is momentum and m is mass and v is velocity.

P=m*v F is Force F= the change of velocity divided by the change of time.

The d mean change. I don’t know why d is use for this. Maybe it stand for the difference.


You not ask for energy but it is here.

E= 1/2m*v2


Lots of things to learn and lots of boys to beat up. :)

 Aug 14, 2015

all the grammar that i taught you...looks like it was useless -_-



thanks i know it...........btw,....i didnt like the joke!

 Aug 14, 2015


I know I keep forgeting. That is what happens when I do it wrong for 14 years.

Monday is my last day of summer school I get my scores for my writing. I sure I do ok even though I still need a lot of practice.

I am a lot better because of your help.

Eloise and 7UP help me too.

 Aug 14, 2015

What a great answer Dragonlance.  ROFLOL

 Aug 14, 2015
Best Answer

Melody is right! All of this is funny! I am LMAO!

The physics are fairly accurate too.


The “For cracking ice,” is a great pun! So is the “. . . force is with her.”


Dragonlance, you have to be careful about jokes around Rosala. If she doesn’t like them she will karate-chop you. Hahaha


I read your last dozen posts. You have really karate-chopped your way out of your chrysalis. Freaking amazing!!

SevenUP Aug 14, 2015

It is not actually like that! Well it maybe! I don't hate jokes ! But when they hurt me or make me think about the useless past it makes me angry! Becoz I've already turned the page and deleted bad things! Another thing was , if dragon had taken the punch on himself and made a joke , I wouldn't mind but he took someone else so I mind, and I also don't mid when people turn my serious questions I to jokes, but the joke they make up is what I may be stuck up on! You can see my first reply was good , I took it lightly but do yoh know this got on me like a bacteria the whole day and my mood was spoiled , I don't know but it was the only poor joke DL has made since the day I met him ! 


And a a point to note , I don't have a boyfriend I never had a boyfriend and I will never have a boyfriend and that should be clear with everyone including me! Which I will somehow make it!

 Aug 15, 2015

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