Hi! Here's a chat room that we can all use, and yeah. Here's a few questions to start it up:
Fav soda?
Cat or dog?
I like Red bull or cocacola... ( cause im always asleep and i need a cheer on scholl (( kidding ))
maybe cat, maybe dog... You never know!
I live in Spain, so maybe you dont know my school...
Wait u live in SPAIN???!!!
Ong omg omg that's so cool! I live in boring old Ohio....
I ADORE cats and ABHOR dogs!
Ohio is coolish, but only if you live there. If you are visiting from Florida or California or somewhere cool, then it's REALLY boring!!!
I sorta like Dr. Pepper.....not as much as I like root beer though!! 😆
probably mountain dew or a nice can of coca cola
cats ftw
school's a lot more interesting in my school, instead of a typical school, i'm surrounded by a bunch of trouble makers, smart people, rulers everywhere. and lots of crime activity, but even with all that terror, we still manage to have fun in the life of California
as you probably know already, Titanium Rome rules the Pacific part, and also owns some European property (mainly Italy and Germany), and also makes truces with some rulers who rule the Soviet Union and Arabian part of the school (yes, the geography is described by continent. middle is europe and africa, west is pacific and japan, east part of school is more like arabia and china along wih the rest of asia (melody, if you came to our school, the australian part is in the west)
delaware punch, interesting
of course Titanium Rome would be clashing with Queen Izze of Spain, he's currently being wanted for drinking pepsi and root beer when by law of Spain, he should be drinking izzes
however, as you know, catching Titanium Rome is impossible, cuz he's bulletproof, and the Spanish only carry guns, and swords won't work on metal, and with the new titanium crystal armor, cannons won't stop him