

The numbers from 1 to 150, inclusive, are placed in a bag and a number is randomly selected from the bag. What is the probability it is not a perfect power (integers that can be expressed as x^y where x is an integer and y is an integer greater than 1. For example, 2^4 is a perfect power, while 2*3=6 is not a perfect power)? Express your answer as a common fraction.

 Nov 6, 2018



 4 8 16 32 64 128

 9 27 81


 25 125







17 out of 150 ARE perfect powers

so   133/150   


Corrected....thanx guest

 Nov 6, 2018
edited by Guest  Nov 6, 2018
edited by Guest  Nov 6, 2018
edited by Guest  Nov 6, 2018
edited by Guest  Nov 6, 2018

However, it says y>1, so 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, and 12 do not count as perfect powers. You also overcounted some.

 Nov 6, 2018

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