
A Senate committee has 8 Republicans and 6 Democrats. In how many ways can we form a subcommittee of 4 members that has at least one member from each party?

 Dec 2, 2020

Best Answer 


I think:    8 ways to pick a rep   x  6 ways to pick a dem = 48 ways to get the requirement of one rep and one dem

     then there are 12 to pick from for the other two memebers

        12 c 2 = 66 ways


66 x 48 = 3168 ways

 Dec 2, 2020
Best Answer

I think:    8 ways to pick a rep   x  6 ways to pick a dem = 48 ways to get the requirement of one rep and one dem

     then there are 12 to pick from for the other two memebers

        12 c 2 = 66 ways


66 x 48 = 3168 ways

Guest Dec 2, 2020

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