
In how many ways can you distribute 10 indistinguishable balls among 8 distinguishable boxes, if at least one of the boxes must be empty?

 Mar 21, 2023

58 wsaysa

 Mar 21, 2023

To solve this problem, we can use the principle of inclusion-exclusion.

First, we find the total number of ways to distribute the balls without any restrictions. This is equivalent to finding the number of ways to put 10 indistinguishable balls into 8 distinguishable boxes, which is given by the formula:

$${10 + 8 - 1 \choose 8 - 1} = {17 \choose 7} = 19,448$$

Next, we find the number of ways to distribute the balls such that no box is empty. This is equivalent to finding the number of ways to put 10 indistinguishable balls into 8 distinguishable boxes such that each box has at least one ball. We can think of this as a stars and bars problem with the additional constraint that each box must have at least one star (ball). Using the stars and bars formula, we get:

$${10 - 1 \choose 8 - 1} = {9 \choose 7} = 36$$

However, we are interested in the number of ways such that at least one box is empty. To find this, we use the principle of inclusion-exclusion. Let A be the event that box 1 is empty, B be the event that box 2 is empty, and so on up to H for box 8. Then the number of ways to distribute the balls such that at least one box is empty is given by:

$$\sum_{i=1}^{8} (-1)^{i-1} \binom{8}{i} {10 - i - 1 \choose 8 - 1}$$

where the $(-1)^{i-1}$ term comes from the alternating signs in the inclusion-exclusion formula.

Using this formula, we get:

$$\sum_{i=1}^{8} (-1)^{i-1} \binom{8}{i} {10 - i - 1 \choose 8 - 1} = 19,448 - 36\binom{8}{1} + \binom{8}{2} {1 \choose 7} - \binom{8}{3} {2 \choose 7} + \cdots + (-1)^{8-1} \binom{8}{8} {2 \choose 7}$$

Simplifying this expression gives:

$$19,448 - 8\times36 + 28\times0 - 56\times0 + 70\times0 - 56\times0 + 28\times0 - 8\times0 + 1\times0 = 19,064$$

Therefore, the number of ways to distribute 10 indistinguishable balls among 8 distinguishable boxes, if at least one of the boxes must be empty, is 19,064. Subaru Net

 Mar 21, 2023
edited by Amandahertzog  Mar 21, 2023

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