
The crank on a pencil sharpener's max height reaches to 3 cm above its centre axis which is 1 m off the ground and can be spun 4 times in a second. Which function models the crank height, h(t), where t is in seconds? 


a) h(t)=0.03sin(8πt)+1 

b) h(t)=0.03sin(4πt)+1 

c) h(t)=0.3sin(8πt)+1

d) h(t) = 0.03 sin (2π/4 t)+1

 Nov 29, 2017


There are 4 periods in each second

So....eaach period lasts 1/4 seconds

At t = 0,  let the height = 1 m 

So...at  1/16 seconds  the max ht is reached

At 2/16 seconds the height returns to 1m

At 3/16 seconds, the min height is reached  = 1m - .03m  = .97m

And at 4/16 = 1/4 second it returns to a height of 1m 


Note that the sin is maxed at pi/2

So....at  1/16 seconds....we have that  .03 sin (8pi *1 /16) + 1  =  .03sin (8pi/16) + 1  =

.03sin (pi/2) + 1 =  .03(1) + 1  =   .03 + 1  =  1.03m



So.....the function  is


h(t)   =  sin ( 8pi * t)  +  1    =   choice " a "


See the graph here :  




cool cool cool

 Nov 29, 2017
edited by CPhill  Nov 29, 2017

Okay thanks :D 

Julius  Nov 29, 2017
edited by Julius  Nov 29, 2017

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