I don't need you to give me the answers, but I would like it if you could take me step by step with these and then let me answer them myself. I don't want your examples I want them like I have them, give me directions so I can understand easily or take me step by step which ever would be appreciated Keep your rude comments to yourself and don't post anything stupid on here

1. Round to the nearest cent ( $34.125)

2.Round to the nearest dollar ($541.55)

3.Rick purchases a record for $9.95, a dictionary for $21.50, a paperback book for $4.25, and a magazine for $4.00. The sales tax is 7.3%. What is the sales tax on his purchases?

4.ran purchases a pair of running shoes for $37.95 and four tops at $8.75 each. The sales tax is 7.3%. What is the total cost to Fran for her purchases?

5.Paula purchases $34.85 cents worth of groceries. The sales tax is 9.3%. What is the total cost of Paula's groceries?

Translated using Bing Translator (Spanish to English)
 Nov 12, 2013

9 Online Users
