
Hi there!

I'm stuck trying to find the eigenvalues for this matrix

3 & -1 & 0\\
-1 & 2 & -1 \\
0 & -1 & 3

I end up having the characteristic equation

$$- \lambda ^3 + 8 \lambda ^2 -20 \lambda + 12 = 0$$

I guess there must be something I missed, since solving this by hand can be quite cumbersome.

So is there something which I should've found by observation or is there an easy way to solve this which I missed.



 Jun 2, 2014

Best Answer 


Subtracting lambda from each of the diagonal elements and expanding the determinant along the top row gets you


(3 - lambda) comes out naturally as a common factor.

If you choose to expand the whole lot though you get -19lambda rather than -20lambda.

 Jun 2, 2014

Should be -19 rather than -20, further, (lambda-3) comes out naturally as a common factor when you expand the determinant.

 Jun 2, 2014

edit: Aaah I found it 

 Jun 2, 2014

I get  $$-\lambda^3+8\lambda^2-19\lambda+12=0$$

Multiply through by -1 (not essential - I just find it easier that way!)


If we assume that, because you are doing it by hand, the solutions are integers, then consider


The three constants must multiply together such that $$abc=12$$

If they are each integers then we have either 1, 2 and 6 or 1, 3 and 4 (ok a couple of them might have negative signs attached!).

The sum of the three must also be 8, and since 1+2+6 is not 8, and 1+3+4 is, there is a good chance that the three eigenvalues are 1, 3 and 4.

Plugging each of these into the LHS of the first equation above does indeed give zero.

 Jun 2, 2014

Thank you Alan, that was really helpfull :)

Now that I come to think of it,

for the eigenvalues it is always true that

$$\lambda_1 + \lambda_2 + \lambda_3 = trace (A)$$


$$\lambda_1*\lambda_2*\lambda_3 = det(A)$$


In this case

$$det(A) = 12\\
trace(A) = 8\\$$

 Jun 2, 2014
Best Answer

Subtracting lambda from each of the diagonal elements and expanding the determinant along the top row gets you


(3 - lambda) comes out naturally as a common factor.

If you choose to expand the whole lot though you get -19lambda rather than -20lambda.

Bertie Jun 2, 2014

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