

This one is bugging me hard:


S (initial state)=10 000


S (base n) = 18 000


t = 4%


k= 4 


First equation:


S (base n) = S (initial state) (1+ t/k)^4n


SO I started here:


18 000 = 10 000 (1+ 0,04/4)^4n


Divide each side by 10 000


1.8 = (1+0,04/4)^4n


1.8 = (1.01)^4n


Transform this equality into a log


4n = log base 1.01 (1.8)


Put that log on base 10


log base 1.01 (1.8) = log (1.8) / log (1.01) = 0.25527/0.00432 = 59.09028


Now means


4n = 59.09028


Divide each side by 4


n=14.7      (was asked in the original exercice to keep only the first decimal)


But when I replace n with 14.7 in the original equation I end up with 10 000(1.01^58.8) wich will obviously not give 18k.



 Aug 6, 2016

You got everything right! What are you worried about? The only reason you can't get 18,000 is because you are truncating the n=years to ONLY 14.7!!. If you extend the decimal part to 3 places, you will have n=7.768, and that will give you the Future Value of nearly 18,000. Try it and see.

 Aug 6, 2016



What I just don't understand is how to explain that on paper other than "try and error". Maybe I'm just not aware of some fundamental stuff that is implied in your solution...

TonyDrummer2  Aug 6, 2016




My calculations were so wrong!


14,77257 = n replaced in the first equation does give 18k. 


I am so sorry to have wasted your time guys.


I feel so dumb.

 Aug 6, 2016

Don't worry! You will get FULL marks for this question. If they will not allow n to be carried to many decimal places, then it is their problem not yours. The actual n=14.7680181086.

 Aug 6, 2016

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