
ABCD is a rectangle with AB=12 and BC=18. Rectangle AEFG is formed by rotating ABCD about A through an angle of \(30^\circ\). What is the total area of the shaded regions?

 Nov 5, 2018
edited by bambam89  Nov 5, 2018

Need to see a pic, bambam.....sad sad sad




cool cool cool

 Nov 5, 2018

Fixed it cheeky

bambam89  Nov 5, 2018

Mmmmmm.......this is an interesting one  !!!!


Maybe easier ways to do this....but......


Perpendicular to   AB.....draw IJ   through E  so that I is a lies on AB  and J  lies on  DC


This divides the gray area on the bottom into 3 areas....

Triangle AIE, Triangle HEJ and Quadrilateral IJCB


We can find the area of  Tiriangle AIE as follows

AE = AB  = 12

Angle IAE = 30

Angle AIE  = 90

So  IE  = 6  and AI = 6sqrt(3)

So...the area of Triangle AIE  = (1/2)(6)(6sqrt(3))  =   18sqrt (3)   


So....IB  =   12 - AI =  12 - 6qrt(3)

So....the area of Quadrilateral IJBC = BC * IB =  18 * [ 12 - 6sqrt(3) ]  =  216 - 108 sqrt (3)  


And we can find the area of Triangle HEJ as follows

Angle HJE = 90

Angle JHE  = 60

EJ  = BC - IE  = 18 - 6  = 12

And HJ is opposite the 30 ° angle in Triangle HEJ  =   12 / sqrt (3) =  4sqrt (3)

So...the area of triangle HEJ = (1/2) (12)(4sqrt(3) )  = 24sqrt(3)


So...the "bottom" Grey Area is the sum of the areas in red =  216 - 66sqrt(3)  units^2


So....the "white" area  =  Area of  Rectangle ABCD  -  bottom Grey Area =

18 * 12  - [ 216 - 66sqrt(3) ]  =

216 - 216 + 66sqrt(3)  =

66sqrt(3)  units^2


And the "top" Grey Area is just the area of Rectangle AEFG - white area  =

Area of Rectangle ABCD - white area  =

216 - 66sqrt (3)    units^2


So.....the shaded area is just the bottom grey area + top grey area  


[ 216 - 66sqrt (3) ] + [ 216 - 66sqrt (3) ]  =


 [432 - 132sqrt(3) ]   units^2



cool cool cool

 Nov 5, 2018
edited by CPhill  Nov 5, 2018

Thank you!

bambam89  Nov 7, 2018

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