
In square ABCD, P is on BC such that BP = 4 and PC = 1, and Q is on CD such that DQ = 4 and QC = 1. Find sin angle PAQ.

 Aug 9, 2023

Using the Law of Cosines


BC^2  =  DB^2  + DC^2  - 2(DB*DC) cos (60 degrees)


BC^2  = 2^2 + 5^2  - 2 (2*5)(1/2)


BC^2 = 29 - 10


BC = sqrt (19)


Using the Law of Sines


sin BCD / BD = sin BDC / BC


sin BCD / 2 = sqrt (3) / [ 2  sqrt (19) ]


sin BCD = sqrt (3/19)


BCD = arcsin (3/19) ≈ 23.4°


Angle ACE =  90 - 23.4  ≈ 66.6°


Angle CAE =  180 -60 - 66.6 ≈  53.4°


Using the Law of Sines again


CE / sin CAE =  AE /sin ACE


2 / sin  (53.4) = AE / sin (66.6)


AE =  2sin (66.6) / sin (53.4)   ≈  2.286 

 Aug 9, 2023

You just copied CPhill's answer to my previous question...

choutowne  Aug 9, 2023


Since PC and QC = 1, then PQ = sqrt (2)

Let A = (0,,0)  and P = (4,5) so AP  =sqrt [ 4^2 + 5^2]  = sqrt (41)  = AQ


So....by Law of Cosines


PQ^2  = AP^2 + AQ^2 -2 (AP)(AQ) cos (PAQ)


2 = 41 + 41  - 2 (sqrt 41)( sqrt 41) cos (PAQ)


-80 / (- 2 * 41 ) =  cos PAQ


80 /82  =  40/41  cos PAQ


sin PAQ =   sqrt  [ 1 - (40/41)^2 ] =   sqrt  [ 41^2 - 40^2] / 41  =  sqrt (81) / 41 =  9 / 41





cool cool cool

 Aug 9, 2023
edited by CPhill  Aug 9, 2023

Thanks for the answer, it helped me a lot!

5sqrt(21)/41 wasn't correct, but your response helped me figure out what to do next.

I followed your solution and got mostly the same results except that I got 40/41 as cos(PAQ) instead of 34/41.

I plugged that into the relationship between the sine and cosine of PAQ and got 9/41 as the final answer, which turned out to be correct. 

\( sin(PAQ) = \boxed{9/41}\)

choutowne  Aug 9, 2023

Thx, choutowne.....your answer is correct  ( I made a math error calculating the  distance  of AP)


I have since  corrected my answer !!!


cool cool cool

CPhill  Aug 9, 2023

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