
Given a semicircle with diameter 5, three squares are constructed as shown below.  Find the sum of the areas of the three squares.


 Dec 24, 2020

Let  the eqaution of the  circle  be   x^2 + y^2   = 2.5^2   ⇒  x^2 + y^2   = 6.25


Call  the side of the  purple square, a


Then,  when y = a ,  we can find  x  as    sqrt ( 6.25  - a^2 )


And using symmetry,   the distance from  P  to this point  = 2 sqrt (6.25 - a^2)


Using the secant-tangent theorem, we  have  that


a^2  = [ (1/2)a ] [( (1/2)a  + 2sqrt ( 6.25 - a^2 ]


a^2=  (1/4)a^2  +  a sqrt (6.25 -a^2)


(3/4)a^2  =  a sqrt ( 6.25 -a^2)    divide out a


(3/4)a  = sqrt (6.25 - a^2)        square both sides


(9/16)a^2   = 6.25  - a^2


(9/16)a^2  =  25/4 - a^2


(25/16)a^2  =  100/16


25a^2   =100


a^2 = 100/25  =  4


a  = 2



So....the area of the pink square  = a^2   =  2^2   = 4


And the area of  the orange square is  [ (1/2) a]^2  = [(1/2)(2)]^2  =  1


And the area of  the   aqua suare is  ( 5 -2)^2   =3^2   = 9


So....the total area is    4 + 1 + 9  =   14


cool cool cool

 Dec 24, 2020

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