
I've been stuck on these for a while and I'm confused. Also, forgot if I am supposed to shade part of the graph or if it is just a line. Please help! Thanks.

 Jan 29, 2019

I'll do the first one.....If you have trouble with the rest...let me know


First  a    " ≥ "  or a " ≤ "     means a solid line


While a  " >"  or a "< "   means a dashed line


The easiest way to do this is to graph these lines


y = 2x - 1      and y = -3


So....look at the graph here  :   https://www.desmos.com/calculator/hk7nfsdyrr


The two lines split the grah into 4 quadrants


Picking a point in each quadrant I've selected  (0, 0)  (-2, - 4)   (0, - 4)   (2, 0)


Put each set of coordinates into the original inequalities


If you do this....you will note that the point  (2,0)  is the only point that makes both inequalities true....


So.....we shade like this : https://www.desmos.com/calculator/6fzq3zdgcz




cool  cool cool

 Jan 29, 2019
edited by CPhill  Jan 29, 2019

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