
Mrs. Thompson made six dozen donuts for the third grade festival. There are two third grade classes, so Mrs. Thompson split up the donuts and gave an equal number of donuts to each class. Mrs. Pound, one of the third grade teachers, was so happy. "Thank you for these wonderful donuts, Mrs. Thompson," she said. How many donuts did Mrs. Pound's class get?


Mrs. Pound did not want the kids to eat too fast, so she broke each donut into halves. She ate one of the half-donuts, and then she shared the rest with the 9 boys and 7 girls that were present in class. Peter is a boy in Mrs. Pound's class and loves donuts. But since he has to share, how many half donuts will he get?

 Jan 3, 2022

Here you go, EP.  The first part of this question has the number of donuts.


 Jan 3, 2022

I know you can do third-grade math, EP.  I’ve seen you do it before –and you usually get the correct answer. This question is literally for the third-grade: it’s on page 20 of this pdf. https://www.edhelper.com/3rd_grade/3rd-grade-math-worksheets.pdf


It’s very unlikely this question is asked by a third-grade student. These questions, like most of the other brain-dead questions of this type, are asked by remediated high school students.


This is how remediated students do their homework: post it on web2.0calc.com: paste the question, wait for an answerer (compelled by OCD) to answer, then copy the answer on the assignment paper.


It’s best not to answer it.


On an open forum, there is no convenient method to prevent the posting of these brain-dead questions. But, if the questions do not receive answers then this will discourage the posters.




--. .-

Guest Jan 3, 2022
edited by Guest  Jan 3, 2022

Shut up

Guest Jan 3, 2022

Did I touch a nerve? Did it cause an Ouchy!

Maybe Mrs. Pound will kiss it and make it all better.... LOOOOOOOOL

Guest Jan 3, 2022

You're annoying -_-

Guest Jan 3, 2022

Form the given information, the total donuts

are six dozen, that is 6 * 12 = 72 units of 

donuts, the total number of Childrens are

9 + 7 = 16

Thus, Mrs. Pound's class got 72 units of


Given that, each donuts are broken into

halves, so total half donuts are 72 * 2 = 144.

The teacher ate the half of the donut then the

remaining donuts are 144 − 1 = 133.

133 =128 + 5

       =(16 * 8)+ 5

Thus, each student got 8 donuts and remaining is 5.

Therefore, Peter will get 5 half donuts.

 Jan 4, 2022

The question is titled: Half Donuts. This answer should be titled Half Brains

Measures of dumbness are usually treatable with education:

However, for the stupid, education often makes the dumb dumber ...and more dangerous. 

For the teachers it makes them more suicidal.

For the observers it makes them more nauseous. Just shoot me! 



--. .-

Guest Jan 9, 2022
edited by Guest  Jan 9, 2022

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