
Compute the length of the shortest path that starts at the origin, touches the line y = 2x - 4, and then ends at (0, 1). 


I now know the answer but don't know how to solve it. Any help would be appreciated! 

 Apr 29, 2023

The shortest path that starts at the origin, touches the line y = 2x - 4, and then ends at (0, 1) is a straight line segment. The length of this line segment is sqrt(2^2 + (-4 - 1)^2) = sqrt(21).

 Apr 29, 2023

Sorry, but that's incorrect. The correct answer is actually \(\sqrt{17}\), even though I don't know how to get it. 


Thanks so much for your attempt, though!

BuilderBoi  Apr 30, 2023

 the length of the shortest path 


Hello BuilderBoy!


\(y=2x-4\\\color{blue}P_1(0,0)\\ P(x,2x-4)\\ \color{blue}P_2(0,1)\)

\(L_{1,P}^2=x^2+y^2=x^2+(2x-4)^2\\ L_{P,2}^2=x^2+(1-y)^2=x^2+(1-2x+4)^2\\ L_{1,P}^2+L_{P,2}^2=x^2+(2x-4)^2+x^2+(5-2x)^2\\ \)

\(\frac{d(L_{1,P}^2+L_{P,2}^2)}{dx}=2x+2(2x-4)\cdot 2+2x+2(5-2x)\cdot (-2)=0\\ 4x+8x-16-20+8x=0\\ 20x=36\\ \color{blue}x_P=1.8\\ \color{blue}y_p=-0.4 \\ \color{blue}P(1.8,-0.4)\)

You can calculate the distances between the points. The two-point equation is called: 


Have fun.

 Apr 30, 2023
edited by asinus  Apr 30, 2023
edited by asinus  Apr 30, 2023
edited by asinus  Apr 30, 2023
edited by asinus  Apr 30, 2023

Then the distance from \((0, 0)\) to \((1.8, -0.4)\) is \(\sqrt{(1.8)^2 + (0.4)^2} = {\sqrt{85} \over 5} \) and the distance from \((0, 1) \) to \((1.8, -0.4)\) is \(\sqrt{(1.8)^2 + (1.4)^2} = {\sqrt{130} \over 5}\)


Adding the two gives us \({\sqrt {85 }+ \sqrt {130} \over 5} \approx 4.12426\) but the correct answer was \(\sqrt{17} \approx 4.12311\)

BuilderBoi  Apr 30, 2023

This is EZ if you know calculus.

 Apr 30, 2023

Why don't you solve it then?

BuilderBoi  Apr 30, 2023
edited by BuilderBoi  Apr 30, 2023

Thanks Asinus and also Builderboi 


I have another method.


This is a question where the maths is super easy but understaning the concept may be a lot more challenging.


Rule: The shortest distance between 2 points is a line.


I have reflected the line AB  around  the line x=2 to get the line A'B'

Now to go from A to any point on the doted line and then back to B ist the same as going from A to that same point and then to B'

The shortest distance from A to B' is a straight line.  The length is     \(\sqrt{4^2+1^1 }=\sqrt{17}\)





Now you can find the actual point where the distance will be least using calculus but that is definitely not easy so I did it graphically.





I let the point giving the shortest distance be G

AG=EC   drew the circle

BG=AE   drew the circle.

Point G is where the circles and the line all cross each other.

 Apr 30, 2023

Thanks for the explanation Melody, but why did you reflect AB over x = 2 in particular?

BuilderBoi  Apr 30, 2023

That is a very good question and maybe one I will struggle with explaining.


You have the initial interval AB

I drew 2 lines that were perpendicular to AB and therefore parallel to each other. 

I called them BC and AD   but the exact position of C and D is not set yet

The line crossed AD at 2 units.

So  the lines must go right 2 up one and left 2.    I changed that to out 4 and up one.


So now I have the rectangle aa'b'b    

going diagonally the closest way to get from A to B'  is in a straight line.

Melody  Apr 30, 2023

Oh... I get it now. Thanks so much, Melody, Asinus, and Guest!

BuilderBoi  Apr 30, 2023

(-1.6, 0.8)

Step-by-step explanation:

Given, equation of the line is y = 2x + 4 --- (1)

Closest point from origin will be the perpendicular distance from origin to the line.

We need to find out equation of the perpendicular from (0,0) on y = 2x + 4.

The equation is in slope intercept form i.e. y = mx + c

Slope, m = 2

Slope of the perpendicular = -(1/m) = -1/2

Equation of the perpendicular is found by (y - y1) = m (x - x1)

⇒ y - 0 = (-1/2) (x - 0)

⇒ y = (-1/2)x

⇒ 2y + x = 0 --- (2)

Solving (1) and (2), we get,

⇒ 5x = -8

⇒ x = -8/5

Substiute x = -8/5 in eq(2), we get

⇒ y = 4/5

x = -1.6 and y = 0.8

Therefore, the point on the line y = 2x + 4 closest to origin is (-1.6, 0.8)

 May 1, 2023

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