
For "Find NK" I used the Pythagorean theorem but I'm not sure if that is the right way. The last question I think I answered the first two parts correctly but I get so confused with arcs. Please help. Thank!

 Sep 16, 2019

You got the first one correct....


I'll look at the second one in just a bit



cool cool cool

 Sep 16, 2019

Second one....good job, so far


As you found  QR and ST are equal so they span the same arcs...let the arcs they span  = x


 We have this equation 


360   -  QS - RT   =   QR  + ST


360  - 34 -  98  = x  +  x


228 = 2x     divide by 2


114°   = x  = measure of arc ST = measure of arc QR


And the measure of the span of arc XT  = (1/2)(arc ST)  = (1/2)(114°)  = 57°



cool cool cool

 Sep 17, 2019

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