
A band played an encore at 2 of its last 4 shows. Considering this data, how many of the band's next 14 shows would you expect to have an encore?                   This is the question!If it could be solved,it would be greatly appreciated.

 Mar 15, 2023

Based on the given information, we can assume that the probability of the band playing an encore at any given show is 2/4, or 1/2. Therefore, we can expect that out of the next 14 shows, approximately half of them will have an encore.


So, we would expect around 7 of the band's next 14 shows to have an encore. However, it's important to keep in mind that this is just an estimate based on the given data and probability, and the actual number of shows with encores could vary.

 Mar 16, 2023

Hey there, Guest!


So, the band played an encore at 1/2 of their previous shows. Half of 14 would be seventeen.

Therefore, you could expect seven of their future shows to include an encore.


Hope this helped! :)

( ゚д゚)つ Bye

 Mar 16, 2023


Guest Mar 16, 2023

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