geno has already answered this here:
Sabi92, if you do not understand Geno's answer, you need to post questions about it on the original thread. :)
a=m b=−1 c=−m−24x1,2=−b±√b2−4ac2ax1,2=1±√12−4m(−m−24)2mx1,2=1±√1+m(m−2)2mx1,2=1±√1+m2−2m2mx1,2=1±√1−2m+m22mx1,2=1±√(1−m)22mx1,2=1±(1−m)2mx1=1+(1−m)2mx1=2−m2mx1=22m−m2mx1=1m−12x2=1−(1−m)2mx2=1−1+m)2mx2=m2mx2=12
Why didn't you see his answer?
The fact that you had an answer would have been clearly displayed in your watch list. :/
yes but i think i confused it with other answer and reloaded the browser whithout noticed that its exactly the answer i need