How many 3-letter "words" can be formed from the standard 26-letter alphabet, if the first letter must be a vowel (A, E, I, O, or U)? (We aren't necessarily talking about English words; something like EQX is perfectly valid here.)
Since each "word" must start with a vowel, there are 5 choices for the first letter.
Each of the following 2 letters can be any of the 26 letters of the alphabet.
Multiplying the choices together, we get 5 x 26 x 26 or 3380 possibilities.
To solve this problem, do this...
(number of vowels)*(number of letters in the alphabet^2)
You will get 5*(26^2)
This is equal to 5*676 which is 3000+350+30.
3000+350+30 equals a total of 3380 ways.