
All help is appreciated. If you only know one question please still submit it. I need all the help I can get. Thanks! smiley


1) In the multipication question below, find the product abcd: 

                                        7 a

                                    x  b 6

                                   a  a  a

                              6   6   6      

                              7   d   c  a          


2) The function a*b is defined as a*b = a2b-a+b. Find the value of 2*(1*(2*(1*(2*1)))). 


3) Find the sum of the proper divisors of the sum of the proper divisors of the number 432. 

 Jan 20, 2019
edited by Dominator416  Jan 20, 2019

1) a = 4, b = 9, You should be able to work out c and d easily from this.


3) 722.  I just used WolframAlpha to answer this. (Edited to correct answer - see asdf below).

 Jan 20, 2019
edited by Alan  Jan 20, 2019
edited by Alan  Jan 20, 2019
edited by Alan  Jan 20, 2019
edited by Alan  Jan 20, 2019

isnt 808 the sum of the proper divisors of 432?


i thought you had to do it twice.


so you would have 2^3*101


then using formulas, you get 15*102 or 1530


then take away 808 to get 722.

 Jan 20, 2019

You are correct. I wrote down the wrong number from WolframAlpha!

Alan  Jan 20, 2019

ok thanx

asdf335  Jan 20, 2019

and number 2: keep your work organized and solve

 Jan 20, 2019

ok so number two.


1. calculate the first 2*1


2*1 is 4-2+1 or 3.


2. now you have 2*(1*(2*(1*3))).


calculate 1*3.


1*3 is 3-1+3 or 5.


3. now you have 2*(1*(2*5)).


calculate 2*5.


2*5 is 20-2+5 or 23.


4. now you have 2*(1*23).


calculate 1*23.


1*23 is 23-1+23 or 45.


5. just calculate 2*45.


this is 180-2+45 or 225-2 or 223.



 Jan 20, 2019

asdf is correct! Good job! 722.

 Jan 20, 2019
edited by tertre  Jan 20, 2019
edited by tertre  Jan 20, 2019

Thanks You All I really apretiate it!!!!laugh

 Jan 20, 2019

No problem, we are here to help!

tertre  Jan 20, 2019

tertre you have to do it again with the same logic and get 722.


lol :P

 Jan 20, 2019

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