
Leonhard is doing a fundraiser for his school to buy AoPS books by running a lemonade stand. At the beginning of the day, Leonhard has 25 dollars of cash in his box. In the morning, he sells 8 dollars of lemonade, but he has to go to the grocery store and buy 5 dollars worth of sugar. At lunchtime, he sells 15 dollars worth of lemonade. In the evening, he has to go buy more lemons and the wind blows 3 dollars out of his box. The lemons cost 6 dollars. However, he also sells 25 dollars worth of lemonade during the evening. If Leonhard uses the money from his box to make his purchases, how much money should he have in his box at the end of the day?

 Feb 15, 2018




Leonhard is doing a fundraiser for his school to buy AoPS books by running a lemonade stand. At the beginning of the day, Leonhard has 25 dollars of cash in his box. In the morning, he sells 8 dollars of lemonade, but he has to go to the grocery store and buy 5 dollars worth of sugar. At lunchtime, he sells 15 dollars worth of lemonade. In the evening, he has to go buy more lemons and the wind blows 3 dollars out of his box. The lemons cost 6 dollars. However, he also sells 25 dollars worth of lemonade during the evening. If Leonhard uses the money from his box to make his purchases, how much money should he have in his box at the end of the day?


He starts with $25.....to this he adds  $8 + $15 + $25   =  $73


From this....he subtracts  $5 + $3 + $6  = $14


So.....he should end up with  $73 - $14   =  $59



cool cool cool

 Feb 15, 2018
edited by CPhill  Feb 15, 2018

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