
Jackson is 1.2 meters tall. He stands next to a tree that is 6 meters tall that casts a shadow 10.8 meters
in length. How long is Jackson’s shadow? Show all of your work.

 Oct 19, 2018

Best Answer 


This can be solved using proportion then cross-multiplying. Let Jackson's shadow be X, and we are going to make a proportion with this. If you take the tree's length and divide it by the tree's shadow, it should be proportional to the quotient of Jackson's height and shadow. So we have the equation of 6/10.8=1.2/x, this we can easily solve by cross multiplying, and we get the answer of 2.16 meters.

 Oct 19, 2018

i got 2.16, not sure if it is correct

 Oct 19, 2018
Best Answer

This can be solved using proportion then cross-multiplying. Let Jackson's shadow be X, and we are going to make a proportion with this. If you take the tree's length and divide it by the tree's shadow, it should be proportional to the quotient of Jackson's height and shadow. So we have the equation of 6/10.8=1.2/x, this we can easily solve by cross multiplying, and we get the answer of 2.16 meters.

CalculatorUser Oct 19, 2018

thank you for verifying!

Guest Oct 19, 2018

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