
Our badminton team has finished 75% of its season. So far, we have won 45% of the games we played. What percent of the remainder of our games must we win in order to finish the season with the same number of wins as losses?

 Jul 10, 2023

If the season consists of 100 games, we have played 75 games and have 25 games left to play. We have won 45 games, so we have lost 55 games. To finish the season with the same number of wins as losses, we must win 55 games. Thus, we must win 55/25 = 22% of the remaining games.

Therefore, the answer is 22​.

 Jul 10, 2023


>>> we have lost 55 games. To finish the season with the same number of wins as losses, we must win 55 games <<<


If you've lost 55 games and won 55 games, that comes to a total of 110 games. 

But, you based your calculations on the premise that the season is 100 games.   


Bosco  Jul 11, 2023


Our badminton team has finished 75% of its season. So far, we have won 45% of the games we played. What percent of the remainder of our games must we win in order to finish the season with the same number of wins as losses?    


You've played 75% of the season.  So, you've played   

75% of the total number of games in the whole season.   


You have won 45% of 75% of the total number of games    

in the season.  That means you've won 33.75% of the total    

number of games in the season.  


To achieve that 50% winning season, you will need to win   

another 16.25% of the total number of games in the season.  


There is 25% of the season left, meaning there are 25%

of the total number of games in the season left to play. 


You will have to win 16.25% of the total number of games

in the season, but there's only a fourth of a season left to 

do it in, so you must win 4 times 16.25% = 65% to achieve   

that 50% winning season.   


You must win 65% of the remaining games in the season.    


45% of 75% of the games already played      =  33.75%  of all the games  

65% of 25% of the games remaining to play  =  16.25%  of all the games  


                                                             total       50.00%  of all the games  


 Jul 11, 2023
edited by Bosco  Jul 11, 2023

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