
1. The radius of a cylinder is 5/6 its height. Find the total surface area of the cylinder if its volume is 150pi.


2. A prism and a cone have the same base area and the same height. The volume of the prism is 1. What is the volume of the cone?


3. A 288 degree circular sector with radius 15 is rolled to form a cone. Find the height of the cone.


4. The two bases of a right conical frustum have radii 12 and 9. The two bases are 4 units apart. Let the volume of the frustum be V (variable not roman numeral) cubic units and the total surface area of the frustum be A square units. Find V+A .

 Apr 12, 2019

1. The radius of a cylinder is 5/6 its height. Find the total surface area of the cylinder if its volume is 150pi.


Vcylinder  =   pi ^r^2 * height


150 pi = pi ( 5/6 height)^2 * height


150  =  (25/36) * height^3


150 * 36  / 25    =  height^3


6 * 36    = height^3


216 =  height^3


6 = height


(5/6)(6) = radius  =  5


Surface area   =     pi * r^2  + 2pi * r * h  =   pi * 5^2  + 2pi (5)(6)  =  


25 pi  + 60 pi  =


85 pi units^2



cool cool cool

 Apr 12, 2019

2. A prism and a cone have the same base area and the same height. The volume of the prism is 1. What is the volume of the cone?


Cone volume =  (1/3) base area * height  =   1/3


cool cool cool

 Apr 12, 2019

3. A 288 degree circular sector with radius 15 is rolled to form a cone. Find the height of the cone.


15 will be the slant height of the cone


To find the cone's circumference....we have that


(288/360)  * 2 pi * 15  =   24 pi


So...to find the radius of the cone, we have that


24 pi  =  2 pi * radius


24 =  2 * radius


12 = radius


Using the Pythagorean Theorem the height is 


sqrt ( 15^2 - 12^2 )  =  sqrt (225 - 144)  = sqrt (81)  =  9



cool cool cool

 Apr 12, 2019

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