Let's turn them into improper fractions.
We have 19/5 - 57/10
We need the denominators to be the same, so let's see what number we need to multiply 19/5 by to make the denominator the same as 57/10
Multiply 19 by 2 and 5 by 2, so you now have 38/10 - 57/10. 38-57=-19. Divide -19 by 10 and you will get -1.9, or -1 9/10.
Let's turn them into improper fractions.
We have 19/5 - 57/10
We need the denominators to be the same, so let's see what number we need to multiply 19/5 by to make the denominator the same as 57/10
Multiply 19 by 2 and 5 by 2, so you now have 38/10 - 57/10. 38-57=-19. Divide -19 by 10 and you will get -1.9, or -1 9/10.