
Can anyone help with this?  I don't know what to do.


Regular hexagons are placed side-by-side in a continuous pattern. What is the maximum number of congruent hexagons that can be placed side such that the perimeter of the resulting figure is less than 100 cm.


 Sep 10, 2023

Calculate side length as 5 sqrt(3) / 3

the two ends contribute 10 side lengths to the perimeter 

    each hexagon squished in the middle contribute 4 side lengths 

      (10 + x ) ( 5 sqrt (3)/3)  < 100

              shows x < 24.64  sides =====>        6 hexagons in the middle would supply 24 sides 

 6 in the middle + 2 ends = 8 hexagons would be less than 100cm 

 Sep 11, 2023

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