
There are two circles, one with center A and radius 1, the other with center B and radius 2. The distance AB is 6. A third circle of unknown radius is tangent to both of these circles and there exists a straight line which

(1) is tangent to all three circles, and
(2) intersects the segment AB.

Find the radius of the third circle.

There are two solutions, R and r. Evaluate R - r.


 Jul 5, 2020

There are two solutions, R and r. Evaluate R - r.


Hello Guest!


The distance \(\overline{AB}\)  intersected by the tangent is divided into a and b.


\(a:(6-a)=r_A:r_B\\ a:(6-a)=1:2\\ 2a=6-a\\ a=2\\ b=4\)


\(r_A:(r_A+R)=a:\overline{AB}\\ 1:(1+R)=2:6\\ 6=2+2R \)


The radius of the third circle is 2.


There are not two solutions R. 

laugh  !

 Jul 5, 2020

Hi, asinus! As a matter of fact, there are two solutions; here they are:    ( see diagram smiley)


1)    In both cases, the red line is tangent to all 3 circles.


2)    Both circles, C and D are the tangents to circles A and B.


3)    The red line intersects line AB.


R = 6.75            r = 3.375   smiley


Dragan  Jul 6, 2020
edited by Dragan  Jul 6, 2020
edited by Dragan  Jul 6, 2020

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