
By eating 1​ egg, 1​ cupcake, and 1 slice of​ pizza, a child consumes 300 mg of cholesterol. If the child eats cupcakes and slices of​ pizza, he or she takes in 82 mg of cholesterol. By eating eggs and 1​ cupcake, a child consumes 568 mg of cholesterol. How much cholesterol is in each​ item?

 Sep 19, 2022

e = amount of cholestrol in an egg

c = amount of cholestrol in a cupcake

p = amount of cholestrol in a slice of pizza


e + c + p = 300

Since cupcakes is plural, I will assume cupcakes = 2 "cupcake"

2c + p = 82

2e + c = 568

Adding both of those two equations together, we get

2e + 3c + p = 650

Subtracting the first equation from our new equation, I obtain

e + 2c = 350.

Using elimination, I get

3e = 786

e = 262 

c = 44

 Sep 20, 2022

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