
The Fibonacci numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, . . . form a sequence where each term, after the first two, is the sum of the two previous terms. How many of the first 1000 terms are even?

 Nov 25, 2019

Best Answer 


The above is true for the first 100 NOT 1000 numbers. This formula applies to any number of Fibonacci Numbers: Floor(N/3). So, the first 100 F. Numbers have:Floor(100/3) =33. The first 1,000 F. Numbers should have: Floor(1,000 / 3) =333 Even Numbers.

 Nov 25, 2019

index=1000; i=0; n=1;i++;p=1;i++;printn,",",p,", ", ;loop1:n=n+p;i++;printn,", ", ;if(i>=index, goto loop3,0);loop2:p=p+n; i++;printp,", ", ;if(i>=index, goto loop3,0); if(i<=index and index%2==0, goto loop1, goto loop1); loop3:print"= Fibonacci Nos =",i




only 33 integers found: 0 | 2 | 8 | 34 | 144 | 610 | 2584 | 10946 | 46368 | 196418 | 832040 | 3524578 | 14930352 | 63245986 | 267914296 | 1134903170 | 4807526976 | 20365011074 | 86267571272 | 365435296162 | 1548008755920 | 6557470319842 | 27777890035288 | 117669030460994 | 498454011879264 | 2111485077978050 | 8944394323791464 | 37889062373143906 | 160500643816367088 | 679891637638612258 | 2880067194370816120 | 12200160415121876738 | 51680708854858323072
(assuming only positive integers)

 Nov 25, 2019
Best Answer

The above is true for the first 100 NOT 1000 numbers. This formula applies to any number of Fibonacci Numbers: Floor(N/3). So, the first 100 F. Numbers have:Floor(100/3) =33. The first 1,000 F. Numbers should have: Floor(1,000 / 3) =333 Even Numbers.

Guest Nov 25, 2019

The Fibonacci numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, . . . form a sequence where each term, after the first two, is the sum of the two previous terms.

How many of the first 1000 terms are even?


Even Fibonacci numbers: \(\large f_{3n} ,\ n\in N\)



\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline f_{\color{red}3}=2,\ f_{\color{red}6}=8,\ f_{\color{red}9} = 34,\ f_{\color{red}12}=144,\ \ldots,\ f_{\color{red}3n},\ \ldots \text{ Fibonacci numbers are even} \\ \hline \\ \begin{array}{rcll} \text{arithmetic series:} \\ 3+(n-1)\cdot 3 &=& 1000 \\ (n-1)\cdot 3 &=& 997 \\ n-1 &=& \dfrac{997}{3} \\ n &=& 1+\dfrac{997}{3} \\ n &=& 333.\overline{3} \\ \mathbf{n} &=& \mathbf{333} \\ \end{array} \\ \hline \end{array}\)



 Nov 26, 2019
edited by heureka  Nov 26, 2019

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