
In triangle \(ABC\) we have \((a+b+c)(a+b-c)=3ab,\) where \(a,b,\) and \(c\) are the sides opposite \(A, B,\) and \(C\) respectively. What is the degree measure of \(\angle C\)?

 Oct 13, 2019

Am confused by question


What do you mean by sides OPPOSITE of A, B, C? is there a picture?

 Oct 14, 2019

In triangle ABC we have (a+b+c)(a+b-c)=3ab, where a, b and c are

the sides opposite A, B and  C respectively.

What is the degree measure of \(\angle\ C=\angle\ \gamma\)  ?


\(\color{BrickRed}(a+b+c)(a+b-c)=3ab\\ a²+ab-ac+ab+b²-bc+ac+bc-c²-3ab=0\\ a²-ab+b²=c² \)

\(c²=a²+b²-\color{blue}ab\\ c²=a²+b²-\color{blue}2ab \cdot cos (\gamma)\ \color{red}(was\ wrong\ before:\ -2bc\cdot cos(\gamma))\\ 2ab\cdot cos(\gamma)=ab\\ cos(\gamma)= \frac{ab}{2ab}\\ cos(\gamma)=\frac{1}{2}\)      

was corrected by me

\(\gamma=arc\ cos\ ( \frac{1}{2})\)



be inapplicable:

[If it is possible to determine the ratio ( \(\large \frac{a}{c}\) \( |\ c\ge 2a\) ) from equation\( (a+b+c) (a+b-c) = 3ab\), \(\angle\ \gamma\) can also be determined with the equation \(\gamma=arc\ cos\ ( \frac{a}{2c})\).]

Danke CPhill!


laugh  !

 Oct 14, 2019
edited by asinus  Oct 14, 2019
edited by asinus  Oct 15, 2019
edited by asinus  Oct 16, 2019

( a + b + c) (a + b - c)  = 3ab


[ (a + b) + c ]  [(a + b) - c ]  = 3ab


(a + b)^2  - c^2  = 3ab


a^2 + 2ab + b^2 - c^2 = 3ab


a^2 + b^2   =  ab + c^2     (1)


Using the Law of Cosines


c^2  = [a^2 + b^2] - 2(a)(b) cos C      (2)


Sub (1)  into (2)    and we have that


c^2  = [ ab + c^2]  - (2ab) cos C


c^2  = ab + c^2 - (2ab) cos C       subtract c^2 from both sides


0   =  ab - 2ab cos C        subtract ab from both sides


-ab  = - 2ab cos C            divide both sides by -2ab


1/2  =  cos C


arccos (1/2)  = C  =  60°


Thanks to asinus for the hint of applying the Law of Cosines  !!!


cool cool cool

 Oct 15, 2019

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