Since ABCD is a unit square....its height = 1 an d its base = 1
So....its area = 1
And since EFGH = 1/4 area of ABCD, then its base, FE, just must be 1/4
So.....that means that BF + EA = 3/4
So...the combined areas of BFGC and EAHD must also be 3/4
But FGC = 1/2 of BFGC and EAH = 1/2 of EAHD
So...FGC + EAH = (1/2) ( BFGC + EAHD) = (1/2)(3/4) = 3/8
So...the area of quadilateral AFCH =
area of EFGH + (area of FGC + area of EAH) =
(1/4 ) + (3/8) =
(2/8) + (3/8) =
5 / 8