
Robert and Wilson got in trouble at football practice and have to run laps as a consequence. Robert, who runs at a rate of 1 lap per minute, had completed 4 laps already when he was joined on the track by Wilson, Wilson's pace is 5 laps per minute. At some point, the two will have run the same distance. How long will that take? How many laps will each boy have run? ​

 Jan 31, 2020




Hi there...


If Robert runs at a pace of 1 Lap per minute, and had already finished 4 Laps when he was joined by Wilson on the field, who runs at a pace of 5 Laps per minute.
A minute later they would have both finished 5 Laps.

I hope that helped a bit?



Kind regards



 Jan 31, 2020
edited by BizzyX  Jan 31, 2020

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